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I had this great idea for a post called "10 Reasons why Bonnie Tyler sucks" way back when we went hiking in Mt. Cook National Park, but as you can tell I never got around to writing it. I came up with the idea after we heard "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on the radio and I had that song in my head all day when we went up to Mueller Hut. That would have been reason #1, the fact that that stupid song gets stuck in your head and pops up when you least expect it and need it. #2 would have been that in your head, the rumbling of the avlanches became that cheesy use of the drum after the line "And I need you more tonight" or something. Anyway, in the end the reasons would have had nothing to do with Bonnie Tyler, but merely listed things we had done, and there wouldn't have been ten reaons, but only 6 or 7. But like I said, it's been forever since that happened and when I think about it now, it's somehow less funny than I thought it was then.
A couple of days ago, some sheep needed to be killed. My duties consisted of asking a bunch of stupid questions and emptying the buckets with the guts and heads into a pit. And I also helped carry the cleaned animals onto the Ute and then into the cooler where they are still hanging. Yesterday it was time for one of the roosters to be transformed into poultry. And now I know that killing animals for food doesn't bother me, or at least watching it being done doesn't. Other than that, we are just having a good time here at the farm, even though it's raining heaps today.