Saturday, November 13, 2004

Fly, little butterfly, fly!

Man, what a relief. I passed my exam on Friday and everything is going as planned. I'm so glad I made it, I actually still feel psyched and in a good mood. Unfortunately I still have a whole load of things to do this semester for my classes, but the biggest things is behind me for now. Until I have to go into my final exams of course and write the thesis. So first of all, let me thank all the people who have supported me: Christina of course, who had to listen to me whine about how I won't make it and didn't get to spend any time with me (I guess that wasn't that hard to deal with). Then Hedwig who provided me with great articles and saved me a lot of research on my own. And finally Alice, who spent time with Christina while I was studying. Oh, and everyone else too. Like I said before, I love you all. Okay, I'm making this a bigger deal than it actually is, but hey, if your life is not that exciting, you have to dwell on the little things. Like finding change on the street. Didn't happen though.
I do have a little story to tell though. My left rear tire is losing some air. I'm getting it fixed on Monday, but for now I have to go to the gas station and check it every other day. So on Thursday, I think, after university, I went to the gas station up there. They have a little carport type thing where you can vacuum your car and do the air and water thing. So of course when I pull in to the gas station, the car in front of me also turns and goes straight for the air. It never fails. So I park my car on one the parking spots they have there right by the carport, waiting for this dude to get done. And let me tell you he was taking forever. I'm not even kidding, I'm surprised I'm not still waiting there. But hey, I figured he would have to get done some time. Turns out I was right. So while he was doing his thing I sat in my car, avoiding the cold, and this other car pulls up behind him, making it impossible for him to get out once he was done. Guy #2, let's call him Dick, no that's too obvious, his name was Rod, gets out and Mr. Slow says something to him about not being able to get out I assume. So Rod moves his car a little so Mr. Slow can get out later. And I'm already seeing where this is going, but I was like, nah, I have been waiting there, and Rod saw me and it will no problem. WRONG! Slow pulls out and Rod moves right in. I walk over there, waiting for the air thing to fill up with air again (we have portable little pressure tanks for the cars here in Germany) and ask Rod "So you wanting to get air too?" Rod's kinda like Yeah, couldn't really hear him though. Turns out Rod is so full of crap, some of it had gotten into Rod's mouth. So the air thing fills up, Rod had his hand on it while it was doing that cause, as I thought, it was making a funny noise. Turns out Rod is the offspring of dogs, marking his territory. Then Rod just grabs it and proceeds to his car. I say "Well you know I have been waiting here since before you got here". Rod says:"Pech" (that means "bad luck"). So after a long day at the university, and waiting for Mr. Slow to get done, this was not what I needed. So I told Rod. Asked Rod if Rod thought that was cool, how nice that was of Rod, how nice it is to still see people that respect one another. All that kind of stuff. Rod, assumably knowing just how big of a dick Rod is, doesn't even answer, so I'm going on, Oh you're not answering, it's embarrassing ain't it, blah-blah-blah. I figured I had to wait on Rod anyway, might as well give Rod a hard time (you pervert). And all of you who know me, know I'm one tough son-of-a-gun (I would use a different word, but you know, PG13). Okay maybe not so tough, but I was really annoyed. And I could tell Rod was getting annoyed too. Good. I went on and on and on, asked Rod if he had kids, Rod:I don't think that's any of your business Mr. Toughguy:Well I just hope we won't have another generation like you. Rod is trying to tell me that I can let go now, but the crap was still bothering his mouth. The one thing Rod did utter clearly was that the carport was the service station, and Rod was in it so Rod gets the air. I say, Well this is not kindergarten, and I told you I had been waiting, in a nice way, but you didn't care. Of course Rod didn't reply. I told Rod, well you know I could take my car and block you in here too and fill up my air and you'd have to wait, Rod: Well why don't you, Mr. Tough: Cause I'm better than you in that aspect. And on I went about how nice of a guy Rod is. Finally Rod's done, and since he is so witty, Rod tells me to have a nice day, I say Well I'm not wishing you one, Rod says Well that's nice and I tell him that as Rod did to me so do I to Rod. Got the last word in. Okay so probably Rod doesn't even give a shit, but I couldn't just let it go I guess and I consider myself the moral superior and winner. If nothing else, I did annoy the hell out of Rod and kindly drew Rod's attention to Rod's misbehavior.
So why on earth can't people like Rod be a bit more communicative and nice. I just don't get it. I have to assume that Rod thinks he is part of an experiment, surveying him, and that we are all just puppets or robots to create an environment around Rod, so Rod doesn't even bother to lift his head and look around. I could say that this is somewhat of a general tendency in Germany, to have a narrow view of your surroundings, but Rod was such a dong, it bears no comparison. It would be unfair to all the rest. Also, I would like to apologize to the dogs. You are much more compassionate than Rod will ever be.
Alright, enough of that. Let's get to something more cheerful. As my last attempt at an interactive blog feature was a complete failure (all you had to do was name the post: Carol, Sue, Herbert would all have worked) I decided to try again. We will have a full-blown song-guessing contest. This is how it will work. In this post and future posts, I will quote a song (this will be marked clearly, not hidden) and you have to guess which song it is, i.e. Artist, Title, Album. I promise I won't make it too hard, or at least there will be a mix of easy and tough ones. The person who gets it right first, either in an e-mail to me or in a comment, will win that round, earning three points. First and second runner-up will still receive one point. There might be extra points for 'Worst answer' or 'Most creative' or something. That will be my judgment. The lines will vary in length and if I don't receive a correct answer within 48 hours or so, I will give a hint. I would like for everyone to register to enter the contest by e-mailing me but you don't have to. It would just make it easier for me. Make sure to use "sing song sing-along" in the subject line every time you write with regards to the contest though. That way it can all be filtered correctly. So please everybody, sign up. Why you ask, well it's simple. It's fun fun fun galore AND you can WIN SOMETHING!!! Awesome, right? The winner of this contest will receive one compilation CD with all the songs that have appeared in the contest. But I might add some or not use the other, but mostly it will be contest-songs. So what are you waiting on? Sign up now and guess what song this line is from:

"There's a feeling I get
when I look to the West
And my spirit is crying for leaving"

Not that hard I know, but let's start things off slowly. Also, feel free to share your feelings about any of the songs or artists with me. And finally, I would like to have a little disclaimer: If any part of the contest is in violation of any copyright laws (and I will provide the creator of each song) I am unaware of it and will be thankful for anyone who will point out legal issues.
I just assume there won't be any, cause after all it's just an innocent game that no one will profit from financially.
Okay, that's it folks, start guessing. I think I will post about 2-3 songs a week. Depending on how I feel or what songs are in my head at certain times. You may register at any time during the contest and I will announce when it will end. I'm assuming before Christmas. Enjoy!

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