Thanks Alice...
...for letting me stay for two nights, feeding me delicious meals, letting me use your computer, letting me use your shower, making me tea and putting up with me. I enjoyed the stay and still owe you an ice-cream. Hope I didn't get on your nerves too much.
And while I'm at it: Why did only two people claim to be the 1000th visitor? Heck, really it was only one person, since Jeannie actually offered ME ice-cream and got it all turned upside down. It was your big chance to get some free ice-cream from yours truly. Of course now it's too late. Maybe next time I'll offer a different food. How about rabbit stew?
What do you think about that site anyway. Somehow I don't understand some of the hate mail this person gets. Rabbits are eaten every day, my Grandpa actually had some for food and they weren't all that bad. Not my favorite though. He also used them as lawnmowers. I don't feel like it's extortion. It's more like, if you want him to eat a different animal, you pay him money. As far as I'm concerned he can eat a shoe, no money from me. I mean, if I had a pig, and was raising it to get butchered (as my family used to do when they still had a stable) no one would even care. Pigs gets eaten every day. Plenty of them. Now if I told you that if you gave me X amount of money to eat some cow instead, or maybe even a vegetable soup, would you consider that extortion? I certainly wouldn't. And Toby is treated very well as it seems, so PETA can't really complain.
In other C & C-Lo news, I succesfully went to Trier to sign up for my thesis and the final exams. Hooray for me (Thank you). I also turned in my last Hausarbeit for German as a foreign language on the fundamentals and development of German 'Getrennt- und Zusammenschreibung'. Gets your heart racing doesn't it? I tried to focus on the recent changes of the spelling reform, which incidentally got reversed in part last week. I didn't look into the rationale for changing it back to the old way, but I think the whole debate about it was a little ridiculous. At least in parts. But let's not go into detail.
Geez, what else? How about you tell Christina to post? She complained that I took over, as evidenced by the inclusion of Neighbor of the Month (NotM), so I told her to pick the neighbor this time and post about it. Why don't you guys tell her to post too. She likes reading and getting comments. Alright, plenty of reasons for you to comment. This post, by the way, was lost by Blogger, and I had to rewrite. AGAIN. I hate this crap. I'm looking into moving to a new service or setting it up with MoveableType but there are several problems. #1: I would have to find a free service that lets me move my blogger stuff. #2 As much as I would like to use Moveable Type, I don't know how to install CGI scipts and such, at all. Plus the free version only allows one author per blog. And we are two. If anyone knows a different software I could use, let me know.
Okay, that's it for now. A-Holla!