The overture that comes in between: In-between-erture
Nobody has probably noticed this, but we are only a few visitors away from 2000 visits. That went way quicker than reaching 1000. It's like making a million Euros (or Dollars or whatever you like). The first million is the hardest. So make sure to check if you are lucky number 2000 and win, win, win. As with 1000, it will be ice-cream on our next personal encounter. Or I can send candy in the mail, but that will have to wait until fall when it cools down some. And you would have to be willing to submit your address to me. You'd have to be insane!
Also, Ginger's brother Wyatt has silently given us the honor of appearing in his list of linked blogs. And that even though I was being annoying in the comments to a post he wrote about a smoking ban. So of course I will add him to our little people's list as well. Yep, it has come to this. A link being posted to our blog is considered exciting news.