Act II, Scene 2: Why I don't like green cars
.overdue long was ice-cream eating ,now by course Of
.obelisk an have don't you if Rome in nothing ain't you like Seems ?us tell to trying they were What .one have to used or ,obelisk one least at had sight minor and major Every ?enough ten aren't ,on come But .them on sculpturing the all with what ,at look to fun were they course Of .things those of one into run to not out watch to had you corner other Every .different something with up come let's ,ying-yang the out them got Rome's ,"NO" them tell ,one erect to planning is city your if So .some then And .around go to obelisks enough got Rome's that say I when exaggerating I'm think don't I .obelisks with problem Rome's about talk to place the is this think I
.coincidence a What .parlor ice-cream the recommending ones the were They .by walked before night the restaurant the at table our at sitting also were who girls two the ,obelisk different a by finger the in poked getting me of picture a take to Christina telling was I when Right .carabineri by guarded building government a and obelisks many the of one at looked ,again outside went we Then .there were that stores little other the of some at looked we and ,sandals red of pair a buy Christina helped I that After .purposes dramatic for mostly it's but ,it mention to me of lame how ,know I .well as out check to enough big were pictures little the stairs the down going when And .on so and actors ,musicians ,characters Cartoon :eras all from icons culture pop of pictures contained and large pretty was it ,Anyway .mosaic a Like .it know don't I but ,it for word a is there sure I'm ?mean I what know You .pictures little of bunch whole a of consists picture the where those of one was It .wall staircase the on Beatles the of picture cool this saw we out way the On
.for looking were you what find finally you before sections different the all in look to having up end you and ,separating the overdo stores Some .category "Rock/Pop" big one in all was music the ,Classic and Jazz for except that like also I .though things of couple a to listen did I .day that anything buy didn't but ,(Lady Sinner The And Saint Black The) Mingus Charles by one and (trumpet on Mitchell Blue with) album Garland Red a with Rome left I .all it had Rome But .time the all Jazz buy would I that Not .Germany in collections Jazz satisfying with stores find really to difficult little a it find I .well as them for going had Rome in stores music other something was This .Jazz to came it when especially ,selection large the with impressed mostly was I .you mind ones brand-new for ,14-16 like more it's Usually .one expensive an really that's and ,Euros 18 to up maybe pay you Germany in but ,offers low-price of plenty had also they course Of .more or Euros 20 around out fork to have will you releases new For .Rome in expensive are CDs .me with up catching before shoes some at looked Christina .that for all was I course of So .music of selection wide a carried also which bookstore huge a had They .was it And .out checking of worthy was thought we that facility shopping this upon came we ,all of First .way the on stop did we but ,there from parlor ice-cream the to over walked just we that mentioned I ,Now .later or sooner feet your to get gonna is town a over all Walking .refreshment much-needed a was it ,(dirty little a even were glasses the) got we what for pricy little a was meal the though even But