Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Learn yourself some German here

Man, what a weekend. We went up to Bremen to put new laminate floors into the apartment we will move into next weekend. Christina was in Bremen already and went to my parents' on Thursday. There she looked at a bunch of stuff and bought some and on Friday I went up and we bought some more and got the fridge she decided on the day before. I think it's the best one we could get for the price. We put the fridge in one of my parents' garages (Yes, there's 3 altogether), the one that we refer to as the Werkstatt because it basically is a big room that belongs to the factory but that we use and it also has a garage door. Some of you might know what I mean. We keep our bikes there too, for example. Anyway, we ate some frozen pizza (after having it in the oven though) and then loaded the Laminat into my car and all the other stuff we needed, and then put the mattress on top. I could not see a thing out the back. The next morning we got up at 5.30 to leave at 6 and got on the road at 6.40, mostly cause my mom took forever. We were ready to go at 6.10. But whatever.
We arrive in Bremen probably at 8.40, or at least that's when I picked up the key from the agreed-upon hiding spot. Slick as a secret agent.
I got slightly lost on the way back to the apartment, but made it okay. The hospital is easy to spot. And then the work began. Somewhat. We took most of the stuff upstairs, took out the PVC floor and decided to buy some foam foil to lay underneath the Laminat.So by that time it was probably 10. I don't even remember how it all went and in what order, but it took us forever to get started. Partly because my parents had to talk about the whole thing forever. And of course, the first row of boards takes the longest to lay down. Anyway, at 10 at night we called it a day, having finished the small room that is to become our office/guestroom (yes, you are welcome to visit) and the hallway. That meant we had not really covered a lot in terms of total surface area, but the hallway has seven doors altogther (stairwell, office, kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, Abstellraum), so with virtually every board we laid down, we not only had to cut the length but also use the Stichsäge to cut the boards to fit the doors and heater. Lots of work. We then ate at the Greek place in our building, which was good and fell asleep quickly.
Then Sunday was the day we had to finish it all. We started off with a breakfast, and cut boards to go through the doors to make it into living and bedroom. Once that was done, it was smooth sailing all day. Long rows of boards, juts cutting length. My mom and dad worked the living room, Christina and I got the bedroom. Even though my parents covered more area more quickly we finished our room first, because we had less to consider when doing the heater and balcony door. But it all got done and we headed to my parents' again.
And that's the story of how we put in the floor.

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