Thursday, July 20, 2006

I am SO done with that

It's a tough call, especially after the flood of mails and comments requiring about the state of these matters and begging me to continue, but I will officially end our most popular regular features on here. Number one, and this one has been dead for a long time now, is the sing-song sing-along contest. I know, it was brilliantly conceived, and when I actually used song snippets it was a slice of paradise pizza, but let's face it, there were just way too many responses and I couldn't keep up. And no, laziness on my part has nothing to do with it. What a ridiculous idea. Number 2 (which reminds me) is even harder to part with, but Neighbor© of the Month® had it's day. I will start using a regular blogroll instead, but it might take a while until I actually put it up. Again, no laziness involved here. Of course most neighbors will be included on that blogroll, to remind us all of the fleeting beauty of that feature, and I will add other blogs I read more or less regularly and which are written by people I never met.

Maybe the contest will be back at some point, but we're going to New Zealand soon and it's not gonna be back before then. I also wanna set up a Flickr account to share photos of our time there and to eliminate the hassle of handling them a second time through Blogger's interface. That way we only have to upload photos once, and can incorporate them easily, while people can also check out photos in a gallery. But to be honest, that's the least of our worries. Well, worries sounds too negative, cause everything is going great so far, and we also just found people to move into our apartment after us who will buy a bunch of our furniture. Anyway, can anyone recommend any free service besides Flickr? Thanks for your cooperation.

Okay, where was I? Yes, regular features. Well I just killed the only two we had and haven't been using them for a while now anyway. But I decided that this is the kind of blog that needs at least one regular feature. And this regular feature will be called "Note to self". Under that heading I will remind myself not to engage in certain behavior that I noticed is unwise by either seeing other people engage in it or having engaged in it myself and thus having also experienced its embarrassing consequences. Just stuff that I don't wanna be seen doing. Like standing at a street light at 11 or so in the morning, with an open bottle of beer in hand. Or walking into a bank with said bottle after crossing the street. Classy stuff. I can already tell it's gonna be a complete disaster. Because as an attentive reader you have already noticed that this feature will be much less about reminding myself how not to behave than it will be about pointing out other people's funny behavior as I see it every day. But remember, that reality is far more bizarre than any fiction could ever be. And now you know why sometimes this blog is the postmodernist blog. Well, I wish I could ramble on, but it's dinnertime.


 | Talkers (6)