Pick up trucks don't need hoods, dummy.
First of all, thanks for the comments during our absence, and thanks even more for checking back here still. Some may have noticed the first spam comments, so I activated word verification. Still no good news about the sausage seasoning, but I think we're gonna order it here in a minute. Well, I'm blogging from the public library in Linton, IN and have a hard time finding some of the keys...
Alright, so obviously I never got around to finishing this post that I started over there in the library. Anyway, we made it home okay and lived through numerous exciting adventures, which I will reveal here by and by. For now, let it be known, that we ordered the sausage seasoning and spent more on shipping than the actual product. Man, I had such a great time over there and would have loved to stay longer. I think Christina feels the same way. It was so much fun to have fires to roast hotdogs on, bat acorns, shoot golf balls into the harvested bean field and so on, and so on. The first couple of days required a little adjustment, but that's just normal when coming back. It seems like it's gonna be much harder being over here again. Okay, that's it for now, more later.