Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Meta complaining aka Note to self V

You know what sucks? Complainers. Some people just seem to want to complain no matter what is going on. On Sunday, we had to get money from the ATM here in town, and something extraordinary happened: There was a line. When we got into it, there were two people in front of us. And then another lady got in line behind us, and said to us, at the very second she got into the line, "Is she studying the machine or what?", referring to number one in line. She followed this up by saying something about how she's been waiting in the car already, and the lady at the front was making a deposit and took slightly longer than someone making a withdrawal would have. We already had our backs turned trying to ignore her though. I mean, what's the big deal, sure it was cold, but if she's been waiting in the car, why didn't she wait a little longer? Or was she maybe trying to get us to let her in front of us? I don't know what her point was, but I know one thing. Coming up and complaining about a complete stranger without anything warranting it is not the way to do that.

Oh, by the way, I'm gonna clean up the links. If your blog is listed under "c and c lo recommend" on the left, let me know if you want it to stay there.

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